Heron Herald Term 1, Week 5, 2021


Kia ora koutou,

This week our Senior Team camps have kicked off with classes heading out to Waihi Beach for a two-night stay.  We are so thrilled the camps have been able to run while we are at Alert Level 2, with many of our students having missed out last year.  Camps are a wonderful opportunity to build strong relationships, develop confidence and also learn about the local area.  A special thank you to parents who have taken time off work to support the students, and teachers who work so hard to make it a successful time away.

We are just weeks away from the PTA Gala, scheduled for Saturday 27th March.  Our wonderful PTA is working hard to make this event a success.  However, we do need your support.  There are lots of small jobs that have to be done, through both the classrooms and directly for the PTA.  If you are willing to give some of your time to take on a task at the Gala, please contact Karen or Hayley by emailing pta@matua.school.nz

This year we have been reviewing the way we approach growing student leaders.  As part of our self-review in 2020, we recognized that the opportunities for student leadership in school were narrower than we would like.  In response to this, we have developed a new approach that aims to provide opportunities for our Year 5 and 6 students to get involved in service and leadership.  The senior team is talking with children about the many opportunities on offer and is giving them the chance to apply to take on a role.  Our goal is that children will develop a stronger understanding of their personal strengths, and have an opportunity to use them to serve and lead.  You can see a list of the opportunities that have been presented by following THIS LINK.

Nga mihi,
Marcus Norrish

The refurbishment of Room 4 and 5 is making excellent progress.  The children are enjoying watching the work being done, with special attention being given to supervising the pouring of the concrete.

New Parent Information Meeting

Thursday 4th March. 7 – 8pm

Minis & Juniors - Splash & Dash

Friday 5th March. 1.30pm – 3pm

Teacher Only Day (Cluster)

Friday 12th March
School Closed

Senior Swimming Sports

Wednesday 17th March – Otumoetai Pools

Jolly Jar Mufti Day

Thursday 18th March

Middles Swimming Carnival

Friday 19th March – Memorial Pools

PTA Gala

Saturday 27th March

Easter Weekend

Friday 2nd April till Tuesday 6th April
(School Closed)

Last Day of Term 1

Friday 16th April


We have a couple of date changes that we would like to make you aware of.

SENIOR SCHOOL SWIMMING SPORTS – This will now take place on Wednesday the 17th March

JOLLY JAR MUFTI DAY – This is now scheduled for Thursday the 18th March


There are a large amount of un-named polar fleeces in lost property. Please name all of your child’s uniform so it makes it easier to return  to the rightful owner.

If your child is missing a polar fleece or anything else, check the lost property on a regular basis. It always seems to be over flowing with items.


A big welcome to all our new families and especially to all the new faces that joined us for the first meeting of the year. We’re a new crew too and we welcome your ideas.  Remember you don’t need to join the PTA to come along to meetings or help out here and there.
The PTA has hit the ground running this year with gala day plans in full swing. A gala newsletter will be coming home soon once a few last details are finalised. We’re looking forward to a fun filled day!
Karen and Hayley
PTA co-chairs


Scholastic Book Club

Once a term your child will bring home a Scholastic Book Club Catalogue.  The Scholastic Book Club, Term 1 Issue 2 will be handed out to students next week.

Our school receives 20% of the price of each book purchased through the Scholastic Book Club.  In turn, the scholastic dollars are used to purchase books and literacy resources for the school.  There are many fantastic books available at reasonable prices, but please do not feel pressure by your child to purchase from the Book Club Catalogues.  This is a resource offered to the community.

Orders are made online with credit card payments, or an order form with a cheque attached may be brought to school.  The school does not accept cash.  If you would like the book or purchase to be a gift, click the gift tab when ordering online, and we will contact you when the order arrives at the school office.

Last day for orders for our Term 1 Issue 2 is Wednesday 24 March.  Books purchased will be handed out to children in their classrooms unless they are gifts which are picked up from the office.


Garden to table had a great harvest this week. Look how many tomatoes they have managed to grow.


If your child is going to be absent from school for any reason, please remember to notify the school office each day.  This can be done by using the Skool Loop Ap, click on the absentee button. You can also call the school on 07 576 9027 and leave a message on the absentee line.

In order to keep our students safe, they all need to be accounted for. If we haven’t heard from you, you will receive a phone call. Students do actually get marked as truant if we can’t contact you.

Please try to remember to notify the office as it can be incredibly time consuming each morning. Many thanks for your understanding

Stomach Bugs – There is a stomach bug going around our school at the moment. Sore tummies, vomiting and diarrhoea. If your child feels unwell, please keep them at home. If they have an upset stomach or have been vomiting, they need to be kept at home for 24 hours after their last vomit. If they return to school too early, they will be sent home again.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.




FREE Linewize Community Connect Online Safety Information Evening
All parents, caregivers and whānau are invited to attend a FREE online safety information evening on Thursday 11th March at Ōtūmoetai Intermediate School Hall at 7pm.
The aim of this session is to help parents feel empowered in the online world and to talk to parents about what to look out for and how to support their child/ren with online safety.

For more information following THIS LINK to view the flyer.  Or to register for a free ticket by visiting THIS LINK at EVENTBRITE


Just a friendly reminder that at Alert Level 2 water fountains in the school are closed.  Please send children to school with a named water bottle.


Welcome back to Sport in 2021. We have had a bit of a fractured start with the country being put back into Level 2 a couple of times since school started but that hasn’t stopped the awesome turnout of sports teams we have on offer at Matua School. Well done to all our teams for continuing to play during these unpredictable times.
It has been a crazy reentry for me back into the role with everything that happened last year and what continues still. However, we will not let that stop us and we will continue to forge ahead and produce excellent sporting teams and individuals. Term 1 is always such a race as everyone is just getting resettled into their school lives and being bombarded with choices about the term ahead. Thank you to all who registered for sport this term and completed the registration process correctly. We have had a few issues with registrations not being completed therefore children missing out which is something I try so hard not to let happen.
A quick reminder of the registration process – it is exactly the same as any other order you would make on Kindo. You must put the item in your cart, then click through to complete the process and checkout. You only know you have completed the process correctly when you receive a confirmation email from helpdesk@thegrowthcollective. If you have not received a confirmation email then assume something wasn’t done right and complete it again. I would rather get 3 registrations for the same child than none at all.
Sports Payments are now available to pay on Kindo. Can you please make payment as promptly as possible. Thank you.
A big congratulations to Jaxon.  Earlier in February, he had his Motocross nationals and he finished up 9th overall to give him the title 9NZ! Fantastic Jaxon, what an incredible achievement.
If your child has competed in something outside of school and has received recognition for their achievements please let me know at sport@matua.school.nz so I can share your child’s achievements with our community.
Sports registrations for our winter terms will be out shortly. Please keep your eyes peeled if your child is interested in playing one of our winter sports. On offer we have – basketball, hockey, and netball. For those new to our school football is run through the clubs. Otumoetai Football Club is our nearest club situated at Fergusson Park.
Good luck for the remainder of the summer term to all our teams.


Registration Day
50 Seymour Pl-Bellevue
DATE: Sunday March 14th
TIME: 10am-1pm
Bring Birth Certificate or Passport
Contact: 027-7332935 or
email: enzednumber001@hotmail.co.nz


Our teachers are passionate about providing a library of experiences for our learners, and are pleased to offer a range of performing arts groups throughout the week, as well as fun clubs that take place during break times, at no cost to families. Lunchtime clubs are an opportunity for children to have fun and connect with peers, including peers from different year levels, who have similar interests and passions. Joining clubs is also an opportunity for children to increase their interests in safe spaces, and find belonging in different areas of the school.

All performing arts groups and clubs take place during school hours. No permission is needed, and children are encouraged to sign up and give things a go. Most clubs offer a “try-it-out” period, which usually spans the first few sessions, and is open to any student to come along and give it a go. After this time, club groups become confirmed. Some clubs are open to whoever throughout the year. Club notices and reminders are put in the student daily notices, which are read out to students each morning in class. Connect with your child’s classroom teacher if you would like to chat about club opportunities for your child.

Follow THIS LINK for more information on what is available.


At the end of week 3, the Junior team had their Fergusson Park activity morning. The children enjoyed rotating around four activities which included a taonga (treasure) hunt, crab hunting, field games and playing on the playground. Thank you to all the parents who helped supervise during the day.


It is a busy time of year on the streets around the school.  Please be extra careful when driving, parking, and dropping off at school that you are mindful of children who are crossing roads and exiting cars.  Tauranga City Council is expecting to install a ‘Kea Crossing’ on Clivedene Street in the next few months.  This will provide a monitored crossing area for children at the start and end of the school day.


ezLunch orders are made online through your myKindo account.  You can order lunch by simply going to www.mykindo.co.nz

Order anytime before cut-off or schedule in advance. Lunch will be delivered to school at lunchtime on a Friday. You have the option of Pita Pit or Subway.

Click here to view the menu.

Help? Visit support.mykindo.co.nz or tel. 09-869 5200 Mon-Fri 8 am to 4 pm.

Find out more ezlunch.co.nz or mykindo.co.nz


Term 1, 2021 – First Day: Tuesday 2nd February 2021 – Friday 16th April

Waitangi Day – Monday 8th February

Easter – Friday 2nd April – Tuesday 6th April inclusive

Term 2 – Monday 3rd May – Friday 9th July

Queen’s Birthday – 7th June

Term 3 – Monday 26th July – Friday 1st October

Term 4 – Monday 18th October


Our School App

We have a new school app to keep you up to date with events and notifications. Click on the button below to check it out.


Setting up with Kindo

Kindo is our new prefered payment and permission system. To help you learn how it works, we’ve added their new help sheet and video. We hope it helps.


