Heron Herald Term 4, Week 4, 2022

Kia ora koutou,

Over the past two years we have been focusing on developing how we teach reading at Matua School. This professional learning aligns with national and international research and focuses on Structured Literacy, which is at the foundation of literacy development. We have been working with Ande Ford from Clarity Education, who has been supporting teachers to develop their professional learning in this area.
On Tuesday, 15th November at 5:30pm, we are holding a Parent Information Hui, where Ande Ford will share the why and how of Structured Literacy. This is a wonderful opportunity for parents to engage in a discussion on how the teaching of reading has changed and how parents can be involved in the process.

To support our planning, please let us know if you are coming by following THIS LINK and completing the form. Included is an opportunity to share what you would like to learn more about during the session.

Below is a short video created by our Deputy Principal, Sara Lambert, regarding the use of decodable texts in our literacy programme.

Senior Camp

It has been exciting to see our Senior Team classes head off to camp. This year we have been able to Ngamuwahine Lodge, a fantastic adventure camp run by the team at Tauranga Intermediate. We have loved seeing children having the opportunity to stretch themselves by having a go on a large number of activities. We also appreciate the brilliant group of teachers and parents that attended the camp and help make it such a positive experience for everyone involved. Rooms 1 and 2 have yet to go, so will enjoy the experience next week.

Nga mihi,

Marcus Norrish


The Ōtūmoetai Intermediate Performing Arts Group came into school last week to put on a show for the Mini’s and Matua Kindy. It was a huge success and lovely to see some of our past students back at school.


Garden To Table are holding a seedling sale on Wednesday 16th November. This will take place outside the school hall from 2.45pm onwards.
Tomatoes, peas, zucchini, cantaloupe melon, butternut squash, sunflowers, and strawberries all $1 or $2.
Please bring your gold coins.




The middle team were very lucky to have the educators from precious plastics visit us to teach us all about the different kinds of plastics which can be recycled and then remade into other things. There were three interactive stations which the children rotated around to explore and learn about the importance of recycling plastic.



Check out all the children joining in with Jump Jam. Every Monday lunchtime in the hall for those interested.


Looking forward to using the school pool over summer? Yay!

For your key, there are 3 steps to follow:

1. Go ahead and register on the pool webpage first: https://www.matua.school.nz/pool/

2. Then return to Kindo to make your payment for $100 ($75 for the season + $25 refundable key deposit): https://shop.tgcl.co.nz/shop/index.html

3. Then come in to the school office and pick up your key any time during school hours, from Thursday the 3rd November onwards.


The PTA are holding the Annual Matua School PTA Christmas Night Market on the 24th November.  If you are interested in having a stall at the Night Market please contact Amy Prouse at amyprouse@gmail.com  .

From Monday  14th November we are asking our School Community if they can spare any non- perishable food items.  We will have a supermarket trolley in the School Office Foyer that these items can be placed in.  The supermarket trolley full of donated food will be raffled off at the School night market.  All proceeds will go to the school.



Some of the Room 22 students recently entered a Repurposed Art Competition that was being run through the SPCA Kind Matters Magazine.  Follow this link to read their latest issues https://kids.spcaeducation.org.nz/newsletter/ 

We can proudly announce that Rico was the winner for the Senior Category for his very well crafted repurposed tortoise.  Rico used half a coconut shell and cardboard for his creation.  Finishing it with a touch of paint. A prize is on its way out to Rico in the post.  Well done Rico!
They Also made a special mention to Aliannah and Harry for their wonderful efforts.


We are now at the end of week 4! Can you believe it? Now that our Term 4 sports are now all underway can I please ask that sports fees are paid ASAP. This is a short term which leaves little time for reminders. I have listed all the teams under each sport so you should have no difficulty in paying for the correct sport your child is playing. I hope everyone is having fun getting stuck in and a big thank you to all our parent volunteers who are coaching and managing our teams.
This week our seniors participated in the annual Athletics Day. Our qualifiers will now go on to the East Cluster Athletics Champs which will take place on Thursday 24th November (wk6) which is at Tauranga Domain. Our fingers and toes are crossed that we get some lovely weather for the day.
Next week we have 7 students taking part in a new event on the sporting calendar. The WBOP Mountain Biking Event is taking place at Summerhill Mountain Bike Park. I look forward to updating you all on our achievements at this cool new event. Another event taking place next week is the WBOP Cricket Mini World Cup. Our cricketing boys have been looking forward to this event all year so they can spend a whole day doing what they love. The girls cricket event will take place later in the term.
Canoe slalom – if your child is interested in giving a new sport a go, this fantastic sport is doing a “have-a-go” day. Check out the information on the flyer below.
Weetbix Kiwi Kids TRYathlon – this fantastic event is fast approaching on Sunday 27th November. If your child is interested please don’t forget to register them now. We have a school group set up so when you register just type in our school name and you will be added to the list. That gets us entry to a myriad of prizes for our school.
November is flying by and before we know it we will be saying goodbye for yet another school year. Please, pay your sports fees, return sports uniforms that you are no longer using and return kit bags once your sport has finished. I hope everyone has a really great term of sport. I look forward to hearing all about the wins and losses from each team.
Nga mihi,
Stacey Sutherland


A friendly reminder that school is not open until 8.30am. If you require childcare before these hours, please contact SKIDS either by email – matua@skids.co.nz, phone – 027 586 0408, or book online – www.skids.co.nz/Matua.


Fun First Football are back with their awesome Programme at Matua Primary in Term 4 every Thursday after school on our School Field for kids aged 4-9yrs old! To join, or for a Free Trial, go to https://funfirstfootball.co.nz




Our second hand uniform shop is now up and running again. This is available every Wednesday afternoon from 2.45pm – 3.15pm. Cash or eftpos available.


Lunch orders are available for delivery to Matua School each Friday.


Simply order your SUBWAY lunch online through you myKindo account by CLICKING HERE

Order (or cancel) any time before 9:00am on the day or schedule in advance.

Help? Visit support.mykindo.co.nz or call 09-869 5200 Mon-Fri, 8:00am to 4:00pm.


Term 1, 2022 – Tuesday 1st February 2022 – Wednesday 13th April

Term 2, 2022 – Monday 2nd May – Friday 8th July

Term 3, 2022 – Monday 25th July – Friday 30th September

Term 4, 2022 – Monday 17th October – Thursday 15th December (12:30pm finish)

First Day of School 2023 – Tuesday 31st January


Our School App

We have a school app to keep you up to date with events and notifications. Click on the button below to check it out.


Setting up with Kindo

Kindo is our prefered payments system. To help you learn how it works, we’ve added their new help sheet and video. We hope it helps.


